Getting Started

    Upon purchasing the VLMS/Vlock, Software Vendors receive a VLock Vendor ID and password for the VLM's license key server. As a vendor you can create customer accounts and administer your customer's licenses using this id/password combinataion. Customer administration can be performed at VLocks's Vendor Central website or automatically by your company's own website when customers purchase your software product.


    Applications must call: validate_machine_key(char *path); - prototype in "vlm.h" where path is the location of your application's vlm license file. If no path is specified (i.e. path == (char *)NULL)
    VLM will use the directory in which your application executable (.exe) is installed.
    Your app must be linked to 'vlm.lib' (MSDEV project settings-->link-->inputs-->additional libraries)
    Your application installer/setup can launch the licensing GUI, vcflm.exe, during it's own installation. Users can also launch the GUI manually by running vlms.exe, which you will distribute with your application.


    To lock an application with VLock, vendors must include the following components in their software distribution:

  • vlm.dll
  • vcflm.exe must be distributed with your app.
  • A 'license' file (plain text) must be distributed with your application containing the line:
    PRODUCT_KEY   <your product key>

    This file must be in the same directory as vlms.exe and be called vlm.txt (.vlm on UNIX)

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